Monday, February 20, 2012
3 Months Old
Saturday, February 4, 2012
I love cloth diapers
I thought I would do a quick post to share how my cloth diaper experience is going, since I chose to order some before Jacob was born and try them out. So far I am loving them! As you can see from the pictures above, they are super cute, and clean very well. The top picture is after he has worn them each about 3 times and pooped in every one! You would never even know!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
2 Months Old
Jacob continues to eat well. He still mostly eats every 2 hours, but he can often go longer if he takes a good nap. He is still mainly on breastmilk, but he does get a bottle of formula almost every day at bedtime so Mommy can get some extra sleep! I think Josh enjoys having his Daddy time with Jacob at night, so it works out well for everyone.
Jacob's sleeping patterns have been kind of crazy this month. We have continued to work on the whole 90-minute sleep cycle thing, with some mixed results. For a long time he would fight us on taking a nap even when he appeared to be tired, and if he missed a nap he would get pretty cranky. Recently, though, he has started falling asleep in his swing and carseat, so this has helped a lot and allowed us to get him to sleep and then transfer him to the crib. At daycare he doesn't nap very well. So far he only naps for a total of 2 hours while he is there (not all at once), since he can't be swaddled or have his heater blowing on him. He definitely makes up for it by napping when he gets home though. Hopefully he will get used to the cribs there and sleep at least a little more during the day. And he also has not been too fussy or cranky at daycare, which has been exciting to hear. That being said, he is NOT sleeping through the night. Although he sleeps pretty well at night he still gets up once or twice to eat. He has been going to bed around 11 or 12 at night and waking up around 7 or 8 AM, so he's getting some pretty good stretches of sleep even with waking up in between to eat. I, of course, am hoping he will give up nighttime feedings and just sleep straight through from night until morning. Maybe all the excitement of daycare will help make this happen, since he comes home so tired when I pick him up. Overall, though, I can't be too upset about his night sleeping, since I know some babies this age wake up even more often at night.
Jacob's 2nd month ended with him catching his first cold. He has been really snotty and coughing since Sunday night, and I felt so bad for him. Luckily he was home with Josh on Monday and Tuesday instead of at daycare with other little ones.
Overall, I have to say that Jacob has made a lot of progress this past month. He is starting to make lots of sounds and smile, especially when he is in his swing or lying on the boppy pillow. He also seems to slowly be getting less fussy, especially after he started at daycare. This has been really encouraging and allowed me to start taking him out a little bit more. On Sunday I even got to go to church and was able to leave him in the infant room. It made me nervous, but he did fine. I can't wait to see where the next month takes us and how he grows and develops!