Now that I am in Week 11 of my pregnancy, I am noticing several changes in my symptoms. First off, the nausea seems to be pretty much gone, and I am starting to get back more energy. I still feel a little nauseated every now and then or when seeing certain foods on tv or something, but mostly I have been able to eat pretty normally again. I am also starting to get back into my cooking routine a little at a time. This week and last week I cooked 2 meals and the rest were pre-made things. I want to work back up to all homemade foods again so the baby gets healthy food instead of tons of sodium, preservatives, etc.
Now for the new symptoms. I am still getting really bloated by the afternoon, but I have noticed that my belly isn't disappearing as much by the morning. Now it's pretty much the same size throughout the day, and it's easier to notice a bump under my clothing. I also am noticing my pants getting snugger, so I am planning on shopping for some maternity pants this weekend. Another new symptom is that I am having more aches and pains in my pelvis and lower back. I think it's from my belly growing and from being on my feet all day at work. It's also getting harder for me to sleep at night. I can usually make it until about 3 AM and then I have to get up to go to the bathroom. Then it gets harder for me to stay asleep until my alarm goes off. I usually have to get up at least once more to go to the bathroom and I just keep tossing and turning in between. I guess I should get used to that, since I may never have a full night's rest again. I am hoping that having the summer off will help make it easier to deal with some of these symptoms, but I guess we'll see.
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