Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 30, 2011

34 Weeks

Thank goodness October is at an end. There has been so much going on this past month that I am surprised I didn't lose my mind. I did end up coming down with a cold this weekend, but otherwise I survived the wedding, birth classes, grad school work, baby shower, and normal work weeks that all happened this month. Now that we are heading into November I feel like I can breathe a little easier and really start preparing for Baby O's arrival.

The past two weeks have been pretty uncomfortable for me. I am still sleeping okay, but when I get up to go to the bathroom it is hard to propel myself out of my bed and my bones creak and crack like an old woman. I am also still having pretty consistent back pain at the end of the workday, but I did buy a Boppy pregnancy wedge which has helped a little with that. I have also had a lot of bloating lately, so it feels like my belly is huge and in the way all the time. Not to mention that fact that it is getting harder to reach down and pick things up when I'm sitting down. If I'm standing I can at least squat down and get things, but when I'm sitting I feel like I'm smashing the baby when I try to bend over. I do have one new symptom to report this week: swelling. On Wednesday my ankles were swollen, and then on Thursday and Friday when I took my socks off my feet were normal and my legs were huge and swollen from my sock line.

I did have another doctor's appointment this week (I now start going every other week), and everything is still looking good. No weight gain (woohoo!), so I'm still at about 18 pounds gained. I'm hoping I can do some exercises at home these next few weeks to keep that number from going up too much more. Everything else checked out good also. Next time I go in they start checking to see if I'm dilated or if the baby has dropped into my pelvis. That is kind of exciting,because I'll start to see how close I am to this baby really arriving. I'm not expecting much at the next appointment, but I can always hope can't I?

Finally, I am happy to say that Baby O's room is starting to come along pretty well. It started out as an empty room filled with boxes and some random baby stuff, and now the crib and dresser are set up. The closet is also filled with lots of baby things after last week's baby shower. I also started putting some clothes and diapers into the dresser and put together the carseat and stroller. Over the next few weeks I hope to get the sheets on the crib, start putting things up on the walls, and wash the rest of the baby clothes that we've gotten. Be on the lookout for some updated pictures of that soon.

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