Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Could today be the day?

Yesterday after work I went to my weekly doctor's appointment and left with some unexpected news. The doctor was going to schedule me to be induced on Saturday, Dec. 10th. When he checked me I was in between a 1 and a 2, and I was 70% effaced. He stripped my membranes and made me contract and dilate to 2 centimeters- not comfortable at all! Then he said to come back in Thursday, so he could check me again. If it seemed like maybe some progress was made he would induce on Saturday. He felt like the baby and I were ready.

When I got home I was having contractions the rest of the night. Some were 10 minutes apart, others were farther apart. I didn't really time them that much, but I knew the doctor had gotten something started. They seemed to slow down before bedtime, since I was sitting on the couch relaxing. I figured they would probably be gone in the morning, and I would be at work as usual. Throughout the night I got some more contractions- basically one every 1-2 hours, although I can't be sure since I was sleeping. (Warning: TMI coming up) At about 5:00 I went to the bathroom and noticed some blood. I called the doctor, but he said not to worry since my contractions were far apart and there wasn't much blood. I decided then to just get up and get myself ready for work. I kept having contractions about 5-10 minutes apart and noticed I was probably losing the mucous plug or having some bloody show when I went to the bathroom. After calling my mom I decided I needed to call in to work. Since then the contractions have still been kind of irregular but have been getting closer together and some have been more painful. Josh was supposed to go to a meeting in East Peoria, but I called him after he left and told him to just come home to be with me. He's now trying to get some extra sleep while I keep myself busy and try to stay relaxed. That's about all that's been happening so far. Hopefully this is the real thing and not a false alarm!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Suzie! I will be thinking of you. Prayers for a quick and safe delivery of beautiful Baby O!!!
