Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 25, 2012


You have to ignore Jacob's fussiness, because he was just tired from daycare. I had to get a video of this, though! Also, it takes awhile for him to get going, so make sure you watch the whole thing.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Beantown Baby

Jacob just completed his first cross country excursion! On Thursday we flew out to Boston for my cousin Mariann's wedding, which meant Jacob's first plane ride. Of course, he had no idea what was going on, but I was a little nervous about the whole thing. Luckily, Jacob did great on the trip. He played with his farm animal book and made happy noises the whole way to Boston, and on the return trip he slept half the flight and enjoyed eating some puffs during our descent.
At the hotel we did get a crib, but Jacob got a little spoiled and slept with Mommy and Daddy half the night. It was kind of a fun change for all of us! During the wedding Jacob did great also. I fed him right before the wedding started, and he played happily in the pew during the beginning of the ceremony. I did end up taking him out in the foyer for the remaineder of the wedding, though, because he was squealing and talking. I didn't want to take away from the moment! He couldn't have been happier, though, which was great. On the way to the reception he got a super quick nap in and was ready to party it up when we arrived. He had fun dancing to the music during dinner, playing with our placecard and menu, and tasting some of the yummy food! He got to share some of Daddy's bread and mashed potatoes, and Aunt Patti even gave him a taste of her canoli (not sure how to spell that!). We also got to take him in the photo booth wearing a lobster hat (sorry I don't have the pictures right now). It was a great trip for all of us, and I am so happy that Jacob had fun and behaved himself!

Waiting to get on the plane

At a small little park by our hotel

Playing with our placecard

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

8 Months Old

Jacob is getting cuter and sweeter every day! This past month we have gotten to go to music class downtown, which has been a lot of fun. Jacob just kind of watched the first few times but has been getting more into the class as he starts to recognize the songs and get a feel for the routine. We'll definitely have to do another class sometime this year. We've also gotten to go to the pool a few more times, although not as much as I would've liked due to the heat. Next week I go back to work, so Jacob will be returning to daycare. I think it will be harder for me this time around, but it'll be nice to be back in a routine and I know they will be excited to see him again.
Jacob is a pro at sitting up now, and I can usually leave him sitting up without much fear of him falling over. He's also starting to reach for things when he's sitting, although this usually ends with him falling and getting upset. He is still not crawling, but I'm trying to encourage it as much as possible. He's just not a fan of tummy time usually, and it's hard to keep trying when he gets frustrated and starts crying. Jacob is also babbling and laughing a lot more, which is lots of fun. Finally, his newest development: another tooth! That's right, he now has a top tooth that just cut through the gums. It is so funny to see it when he smiles!
Sleep continues to be a struggle. I don't really have much else to say about, because it continues to be a source of stress and frustration. I'm really hoping that our  next child is a great sleeper, because I've paid my dues with this little guy.
On a positive note, Jacob is still an excellent eater. He is pretty consistently eating three meals a day but still nurses a lot- mostly for comfort and help sleeping, though. He gets so excited when I get his highchair ready and put his food in his bowl. This month he got to try a few new foods, including puffs which are fruit and vegetable flavored cereal pieces for babies. It's so cute to watch him pick them up, put them in his mouth, and chew on them with his gums and front teeth. I have also been giving him bites of other things now and then (waffles, fries, chicken) to help him continue practicing with "real solid food".
This month Jacob likes splashing, being in the pool, chewing on things, playing with Mommy's phone and the remote control, looking at his farm animal book, grabbing Mommy's hair, looking in the mirror, watching Mommy and Daddy run around the room and be silly, bouncing in his jumparoo, standing up (with help), playing with his spoon, and eating.
Jacob does not like tummy time, waiting for Mommy to make his food, having his hair washed, sleeping in his crib, and being cleaned up after a meal.

 Playing with his sound puzzle

8 Months Old!