Jacob is a pro at sitting up now, and I can usually leave him sitting up without much fear of him falling over. He's also starting to reach for things when he's sitting, although this usually ends with him falling and getting upset. He is still not crawling, but I'm trying to encourage it as much as possible. He's just not a fan of tummy time usually, and it's hard to keep trying when he gets frustrated and starts crying. Jacob is also babbling and laughing a lot more, which is lots of fun. Finally, his newest development: another tooth! That's right, he now has a top tooth that just cut through the gums. It is so funny to see it when he smiles!
Sleep continues to be a struggle. I don't really have much else to say about, because it continues to be a source of stress and frustration. I'm really hoping that our next child is a great sleeper, because I've paid my dues with this little guy.
On a positive note, Jacob is still an excellent eater. He is pretty consistently eating three meals a day but still nurses a lot- mostly for comfort and help sleeping, though. He gets so excited when I get his highchair ready and put his food in his bowl. This month he got to try a few new foods, including puffs which are fruit and vegetable flavored cereal pieces for babies. It's so cute to watch him pick them up, put them in his mouth, and chew on them with his gums and front teeth. I have also been giving him bites of other things now and then (waffles, fries, chicken) to help him continue practicing with "real solid food".
This month Jacob likes splashing, being in the pool, chewing on things, playing with Mommy's phone and the remote control, looking at his farm animal book, grabbing Mommy's hair, looking in the mirror, watching Mommy and Daddy run around the room and be silly, bouncing in his jumparoo, standing up (with help), playing with his spoon, and eating.
Jacob does not like tummy time, waiting for Mommy to make his food, having his hair washed, sleeping in his crib, and being cleaned up after a meal.
Playing with his sound puzzle
8 Months Old!
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