Jacob is still having trouble sleeping at night, but his naps are getting a little better. He is sleeping in his crib at daycare (not super long, but much better than in the spring), and we have been putting him in our bed for naps at home. This has been nice, because I can either take a nap with him or get work done. He usually takes 2 naps now, each one about 1-2 hours as long as we lie with him or put him in our bed. The one downside is that he's starting to want to sleep with us at night. I will be amazed if he ever lasts the whole night in his crib without waking or being moved to our bed or his swing. I have a feeling that by the time he turns one we may attempt letting him cry it out again, but right now I'm just not ready for that.
Eating continues to be one of Jacob's strong suits. He has started eating more finger foods like crackers, rice cakes, yogurt drops, and bananas just to name a few. It's fun to let him try some of our food when we have something that he is able to eat. He has also started spacing out some of his nursings now that he is eating more, which has been nice. In between meals he still nurses a lot, but I know it will get even better as he eats even more and starts having solid foods for snacks during the day.
Jacob likes: eating, taking a bath, splashing water, playing with his toys, kicking his legs, bouncing in the jumparoo, pulling Mommy's hair, listening to his music cd, going shopping with Mommy, and "talking"
Jacob doesn't like: sleeping in his crib, getting his diaper changed, getting dressed, getting cleaned up after a meal, waiting to eat, and being left alone when Mommy goes to get something from another room
First haircut
What a precious little gift from God. What an honor it is for you to be Jacob's mother & for Joshua to be his father.