Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 9, 2012

One Year Old!

Well, our baby is no longer a baby anymore! Jacob turned a year old yesterday, and we had a great party with some family and friends. Some of the highlights from his party include: Jacob trying to eat his birthday candle, delicious cupcakes (which Jacob happily smashed all over his face) & food, lots of presents, and lots of babbling & excitement from Jacob! We had a superhero theme with some decorations I printed off of etsy, and I ordered a cute birthday shirt from amazon that kind of matched the theme. It was a great day, and Jacob (along with everyone else) had so much fun.

During his last month of being an infant, Jacob has become a pro at crawling and is now pulling himself up to a standing position and cruising around the coffee table and sofa. He loves pulling things off shelves and banging things against the table or doors. Speaking of doors, he loves to open and shut them- sometimes when Mommy and Daddy are on the other side! It's so fun to watch him explore things now that he can get around by himself.

Jacob continues to be a great eater. He is now completely on table food, with the occasional puree added in every now and then. He will eat pretty much anything we give him, and has also been eating the snacks and lunch at daycare each day. It is so nice to not have to send any food for him anymore. He has also been using a sippy cup for water, although he loves playing with it more than drinking from it. The other day he figured out how to hold it in his mouth without holding it by biting on the mouthpiece and tilting his head back. It was hilarious to watch! He does a great job using a spoon to put food in his mouth, and I'm trying to show him how to scoop food up by himself. He's starting to get the idea, although it is a very messy process. This week we're also going to try giving him whole milk to supplement the breastmilk he gets at daycare, so I'm hoping he'll like it. He still nurses really well with me, and is able to space out his nurses very well throughout the day now that he is eating a lot more regular food.

Jacob's sleeping habits continue to be a rollercoaster, as usual. I was hoping to try letting him "cry it out" over Christmas Break (is that mean?), but I think he may be working on a new tooth along with working towards walking and it's not recommended to do sleep training during either of those events. For now we're just trying to have a consistent bedtime and routine and trying to keep him in his crib as much as possible each night, although I do still let him snuggle with us in bed every now and then.

Jacob has been such a blessing in our lives, and it has really been a crazy year. He started out as such a fussy, colicky newborn and has blossomed into a happy, sweet toddler. There were definitely times I thought I would lose my mind, but it's so worth it to see him smile and watch him grow and change. I can't wait to see what the next year brings!

And now I'll leave you with some video entertainment from Jacob's birthday!


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