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Saturday, February 9, 2013

13 & 14 Months

Okay, so I realize I am a little behind on updating, but things have been pretty busy and crazy between work and home. Since I've been behind, I thought I would kind of summarize what Jacob's been up to over the past two months. He has been changing a lot and doing lots of new things, so I feel like I have a lot to share!
Jacob is still not walking, but he is very close. He has taken a few steps when we have gotten him started, but he won't take any on his own yet. He is constantly standing up and walking along the walls, cabinets, coffee table, tv stand- everything! He is also getting really good at using the walker I bought him for Christmas, and he even pushes around his activity table too!
Jacob is also doing lots of other things. He can wave- either by shaking his whole arm or opening and closing his hand- and he can also clap his hands (my personal favorite!). Jacob is also very talkative and babbles all the time. He says "buh" a lot, but we can't quite figure out if he's saying ball, book, bye, or if it's just interchangeable for all these things. He's also starting to say "no" (nuh), and he says "da do" a lot but we haven't quite figured out what that's supposed to mean. Some other things Jacob likes to do include opening and closing drawers and cabinets, playing peek-a-boo (he'll hide behind the rocking chair in his room & then crawl out laughing & squealing), "dancing" to music (bouncing up & down), and brushing his teeth.
One down side to Jacob getting older is that he is starting to throw tantrums now. When we say "no" or "not for Jacob" he reacts two different ways. He either a) smiles at us & proceeds to do whatever he isn't supposed to do until we pull him away from it, causing him to throw his head back, kick his legs, and cry, or b) he just starts crying right away since he knows he's in trouble. Either way he gets very upset. Sometimes if he's playing and the toy gets stuck or his walker won't move the way he wants it to, he will throw himself on the floor and start crying. This is a little more comical but still frustrating. Unfortunately I know this just comes with the territory and is part of being a toddler, so we're just trying to find ways to communicate with him & get him to cooperate as best we can.
Jacob still eats really well and is only eating table food. We usually give him the same food that we're eating, and he usually eats it. I am still nursing, but he is now only drinking whole milk when he's away from me. His sleeping habits continue to be a rollercoaster, but I have been looking into night weaning in order to help him sleep through the night and hopefully fall back asleep by himself.
In general, Jacob continues to be a happy boy, and we are enjoying every minute as he grows and learns!

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