Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pool Time

 Yesterday we took Jacob to our pool for the first time. We went right when the pool opened, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves, which was awesome. He did so great! He's so used to the warm water from his bath that I think the cold water was kind of a shock to him. He just kind of took everything in and enjoyed the beautiful day. He even took a 2 hour nap afterwards! We are looking forward to taking him to the pool a lot more this summer. Here are a few pictures from the day (Disclaimer: This post is pretty risque for the amount of cleavage I am showing. I apologize in advance!):

Ready for the pool!

Jacob and Mommy

Trying out the water with Daddy

Monday, May 7, 2012

5 Months Old

This has been a busy month for our sweet little guy! Jacob is getting so big and changing a little more each day.
Jacob's sleep continues to be a struggle. He did great with night-time sleep training for a week and then got a cold and had to go back to being soothed back to sleep. We ended up deciding to hold off on the training until this summer when he'll be home with Mommy or Daddy all day and will have more consistency with his daily routine. Some nights he has only been getting up once while other nights he is up every 2 hours. We also continue to swaddle him when he's asleep.
Jacob's eating habits are much better than his sleeping habits. He still eats about every two hours and for about 30 minutes at a time, although every once in awhile he will go a little longer between feedings or eat for only about 15-20 minutes. The one downside is that I have had to start sending more formula to daycare, since I'm not able to pump enough at work anymore. For the most part, though, he is breastfed, and I hope to continue this for the next several months. Jacob has not started solids yet, but I am looking forward to starting this with him in June when he turns 6 months. This the age that is recommended in my breastfeeding book, so I feel like it would be more beneficial for him to start then.
Jacob continues to get better at tummy time and has even started rolling over more. He did this a few times in January, but now I think he's more aware of what he's doing and consciously trying to do it. I have been putting him on his tummy in the mornings now, and he will sometimes stay in this position for 10-15 minutes before getting upset and wanting to lie down on his back. This is a huge improvement, and he impresses me so much with his head strength. We are still working on having him sit up, but he is starting to get steadier in his bumbo chair each day. Hopefully within the next month or two he'll really be able to support himself in this position. Jacob has also gotten very good at reaching for and grabbing things and is constantly grabbing the toys on his activity mat or putting his blanket in his mouth. He has also started kicking his legs a lot more and blowing raspberries with his tongue.
The final big development this month is that we think he has started showing signs of teething. He is constantly putting things in his mouth and has started drooling more. He has also had a few days where he is extremely fussy and seems to be in pain or discomfort. The other day he even felt like he had a slight fever, which can also be a sign of teething. When Josh's mom came over to see Jacob she was showing us some bumps on his bottom gums that looked like the outlines of teeth forming, so we are pretty sure that some teeth are coming soon!
Finally, here are Jacob's likes and dislikes this past month along with a few pictures of our big boy!
Likes: his blankie (and sucking on it!), his crinkle book, his activity mat toys, kicking his feet, taking a bath, listening to Mommy sing songs, watching tv with Daddy (even though Mommy doesn't like this), sitting in his highchair and watching us eat dinner, getting kisses, being silly with Daddy
Dislikes: being tired or hungry, taking his reflux medicine, being left alone for too long, having his nose wiped