Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 8, 2012

10 Months Old

Jacob is only two months away from being one! That is just crazy! Jacob is now "talking" all the time. I'm thinking we may hear him say some new words soon, because he just loves to babble. Although he still hasn't mastered crawling, he is able to turn in circles and reach for things while sitting up. He can also lift off his bottom if he's pulling up on something. This month Jacob got to go to the Pumpkin Festival and watch Mommy carve his first pumpkin. In about two weeks he will also get to celebrate Halloween at the zoo and Wildlife Prairie Park. I am so excited to take him out in his costume and take tons of pictures!
Jacob's sleeping habits are still rough (of course), but he has been taking great naps at home. He usually takes a long one (1.5-2.5 hours) in the morning, and a short one in the afternoon (30-45 min). We have been letting him sleep in our bed still, and it has definitely helped me catch up on my own sleep. I love snuggling with him on Saturday mornings and getting a great nap with him. Although nights are still kind of tough, I'm usually able to get him back to sleep in about 10 minutes or less. I am hoping to try transitioning him back to his crib at night pretty soon, especially because I worry about him becoming mobile and crawling or rolling off our bed. It could mean for some rough nights in our near future.
Jacob continues to eat well. I am going to try and really increase the amount of table food that I give him from now on, since babies can tolerate a lot more flavors once they turn 10 months. Yesterday I gave him some meatballs & stuffed shells from my plate, and he gobbled them up! I also tried cutting up a grape and some turkey slices, but he wasn't so sure about those. It will be interesting to see his tastes evolve more as he tries more foods and gets bigger.

This month Jacob likes splashing in the bath, nursing/eating, sitting up & turning in a circle, jumping in the jumparoo, shaking his rattle, seeing Mommy come to get him from daycare, sitting in the shopping cart, and drinking water from Mommy's cup.
Jacob doesn't like getting dressed, being put in his carseat, being left alone in a room, being tired, and being hungry.

Trying on his monster costume. 

Having fun at the Pumpkin Festival.