Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

16 Months

This month Jacob has been on the move non-stop. He is walking really well now and can get up to almost a run. He is constantly walking around the apartment, pulling things out of cabinets, and trying to explore. When the weather has been nice we have been able to take him outside to help burn off some of that toddler energy. Jacob loves walking up and down the sidewalk, picking up rocks and throwing them, and he even made friends with a dog a few apartments down from us. Sometimes he will throw a fit when we have to come inside. He is all boy for sure.
At Jacob's 15 month check-up he was 23 pounds 10 oz (60%) and 30 inches long (12%). So far he's taking after his Mommy in the height department. He still has a big belly, because he eats so much! He continues to eat just about anything we give him, which makes it so easy when preparing dinner or going out to eat. Hopefully he'll continue to eat lots of different things, because I couldn't imagine what I would do if he started being picky.
Jacob still loves his "nursies," but I have finally started weaning him from breastfeeding. I am now only nursing him once when I get home from work! This means that I do not nurse him if he wakes up in the middle of the night, and it seems to have helped him sleep a little better. That's right- I am finally starting to get better sleep each night! He is only waking up 1-2 times a night  now, which is a huge improvement. I know some of you probably think that sounds like a lot still, but if you knew what it was like before you would understand. I actually feel rested now as opposed to exhausted and worn out every day. If Jacob does wake up at night either Josh or I will rock with him for about 5-10 minutes, and then we are able to lay him back down. Now we are working on getting him to sleep in his crib and without being rocked to sleep. Yikes!
Jacob is also starting to be a little more expressive. We still cannot get him to say many words, but he is really starting to understand a lot. He relies on pointing a lot still, but we think he tries to say "go" and "yeah" a lot. He's also said "bye" and "done" a few times, and he knows to wave when you say "hi" or "bye-bye". He also will help clean up sometimes by putting a book back on the shelf or putting a blanket inside his dresser drawer. And he loves helping me carry laundry to his room to put away. Of course, then he will throw it around his room, but it's the thought that counts right? His fine motor skills are getting better also. He is really good at using a spoon to eat, and he is really working at trying to use a fork. When we're reading a book with flaps on the pages, he is really good at opening the flaps without my help. I've also been letting him color with crayons, and he's getting better at that too. I'm hoping I can do more crafts and activities with him this summer, but until then I keep trying to introduce different art materials whenever I can.
Finally, I thought I would bring back the list of "likes" and "dislikes" to show what Jacob is into right now:
Jacob likes running and walking, "nursies," being outside, pulling things off shelves and out of cabinets, eating, taking a bath, brushing his teeth, running around naked after his bath, and dancing.
Jacob dislikes getting his diaper on after bathtime, going to sleep, waiting for us to get his food ready, getting cleaned up after he eats, and having his fingernails clipped.



Inside Snow

Monday, April 15, 2013



The next few videos are a few weeks old, since I have slacked on updating the videos.