Well, the past two weeks have been so eventful that I thought I should break my post into two parts. I also still need to take one of my regular belly pictures so that will be in my next post. For this post I'll fill you in on the two doctor's appointments I had since my last post. That's right- two appointments! The first one was my typical check-up. There were several interesting things that happened at this one. First off, I didn't gain any weight in the 4 weeks since my previous appointment. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I could not believe that! Then they found that I had a possible bladder infection (sorry if that's a little gross), and they gave me antibiotics to take. Finally, when they listened for the baby's heart she had to try 4 times, because he kept moving. He is an active little guy! At my next appointment I have to take the glucose tolerance test, which won't be fun. I have to fast after midnight and then come in at 9 AM to drink this sugary drink. Then I have to sit around for an hour before they can take my blood and check my blood sugar. I'm going to be cranky and starving, and then I get to go back to work and face 16 kindergarteners. What a wonderful day that will be :/
Anyways, onto the other appointment I had. This one was not a planned appointment at all. I decided to call the doctor after work on Monday, because I had been getting a lot of auras after my regular check-up. An aura is something you get in your line of vision, usually before a migraine. It's basically a semi-circle of lightning bolt-like light that appears in front of me and slowly moves across my field of vision for 20 minutes or so before the migraine hits. Not everyone gets them, but I have been getting them for the past 5 years or so. When I first got them the doctor thought they were from hormones in my birth control, which made sense since I never got them before. They were coming about once a month at that point. Then I got an iud, which has less hormones, and I got them less often and had more of a regular headache afterwards instead of a migraine. Then when the iud was removed so we could get pregnant I rarely got them and sometimes didn't even get a headache afterwards. So, it does seem like the hormones had something to do with it. Anyways, for the past week or two I was getting an aura almost daily but with no headache. I was starting to get a little worried, so I called the nurse and was asked to come in after work. They originally thought I was developing preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced high blood pressure), because that can cause visual disturbances. When I got there, though, my blood pressure was low (90/60). They went ahead and did a regular check-up just to cover all the bases. When the doctor came in he said I definitely wasn't getting preeclampsia. He said I probably was getting the auras from either dehydration or fluctuations in my blood sugar (probably going too long in between meals or having to much sugar in between regular meals). This made total sense, because since I've started back at work I've had a hard time getting enough water and snacking regularly. It's hard to sit down, rest, and have a drink of water and a snack when you've got 16 5-year-olds constantly requiring your attention. So I left with a clean bill of health and a reminder to just get enough to eat and drink. That was a relief. Ever since then I've only had one aura, and I'm pretty sure it was because I was starving to death by the time I made dinner. Whoops.
As I said, there is a lot that's happened in two weeks. I'll post more soon, but in the meantime here is a different belly pic for those who don't mind seeing a big, bare belly. If you don't want to see my bare belly then stop reading right now. I wanted to show this view so you can see that my belly is starting to stick out from my hips more, because you can't tell much of a difference when I have a shirt on. You also get a nice shot of my sad looking belly button. It's pretty shallow, so we'll see how long it survives before I pop out.
*Warning- last chance to stop reading and avoid the bare belly!!!*
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