Sorry it took awhile to post this, but it's been a busy week! If you read my last post you know all about all the medical drama I had over the past few weeks, so now I'll fill you in on my symptoms. Obviously, I have been exhausted. Being back at work has been really tough. When I get home I am totally run down, so I have been making up for it by sleeping 10+ hours a night on the weekends and sometimes even taking a nap after that! This is the first time in my life when I actually like taking naps. I also started another online class for my Master's, so this will wear me out even more. Luckily, the class doesn't look too bad, and once it's done I will be taking a break until the end of February to focus on getting ready for the baby, having the baby (of course!), and then getting used to being a mommy. I'm looking forward to that, for sure.
Other than being tired, I haven't been feeling too bad. I'm sleeping okay, but I have started having to get up more to go to the bathroom. I usually make it until 3:00 AM and then get up every 1-2 hours between then and when my alarm goes off. I was also having several charlie horses in my legs, but now that I've been doing more leg stretches and drinking more water that has gotten better. The baby doesn't really keep me up at night, but when I get back into bed he usually moves around a lot. Speaking of movement, he continues to move more and more each day. I can now feel him even when I'm standing up, although he moves the most when I'm sitting or lying down. His movements have gotten bigger and stronger, and I see my belly moving a lot. Sometimes I can even see my belly moving back and forth, which is pretty cool.
That's pretty much it as far as symptoms right now. I don't have any swelling or stretch marks as of right now, and my belly button is still an innie. I just keep watching as my body and belly change and grow and wondering what is ahead for me. When I write my next post I will officially be in the third trimester, so I'm ready for the home stretch!
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